
Primary Mental Health Project (PMHP) is a program for early detection and prevention of problems with school adjustment. PMHP identifies young children that have the potential for school problems early in their school careers, and uses trained paraprof essionals as child associates to work preventively with these children. To implement this program, several evaluation forms must be filled out for each student, to determine which children should, or should not, be referred to the program. Unfortunately, a limited number of PMHP professionals are available to evaluate students. Due to this limitation, it was the desire of the author to create an expert system that would take as input the PMHP evaluation forms and produce two forms of output: a profile on each student, giving ratings on various categories and making suggested referrals to the PMHP program when appropriate, and for students referred to PMHP, objectives or goals to be reached within some given timeframe.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

School psychology--Data processing; Expert systems (Computer science); Psychological tests for children--Data processing

Publication Date


Document Type


Department, Program, or Center

Computer Science (GCCIS)


Hightower, Dirk

Advisor/Committee Member

Anderson, Peter


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: LB1027.55 .J675 1988


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