
During recent years the need for accurate color measurements has been increasing. One of the most wide spread techniques to measure color is based on spectrophotometric measurements. However, when dealing with hardcopy materials (paper and inks) that contain fluorescent components, the color measurements become questionable. Conventional spectrophotometers measure total radiance factors of fluorescent materials for the light source within the instrument. Such measurements cannot be used to obtain accurate colorimetry for other illuminants or sources. On the other hand using bispectral methods, which measure reflected and fluorescent spectral radiance factors as a function of incident wavelength, produces illuminant independent data and thus more accurate colorimetric calculations. The main goal of the present work is to determine colorimetric errors created by conventional spectrophotometry compared to bispectral measurements for a collection of printed materials. Another point is to evaluate the significance of these errors in color reproduction applications.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Colorimetry--Quality control; Spectrophotometry; Spectral theory (Mathematics); Color printing--Quality control

Publication Date


Document Type


Department, Program, or Center

Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science (COS)


Fairchild, Mark


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