
This study focused on evaluating the usability of technologies for cybercollaboration via determining if traditional usability testing methods capable of evaluating virtual team collaboration among professionals and scientists of different disciplines. Exploration of this research was conducted via online survey administered to 72 participants from varied professional and scientific disciplines. This study explored several themes related to computer mediated collaboration, collaboration in science in general, usability of collaboration technologies, and usability testing. Past research was divided on whether software tools or processes are more important to team success. This research suggests that both together are important. Further, usability of cybercollaboration technologies cannot be evaluated by traditional software usability testing methods because the completion of collaborative tasks is intimately related to group dynamics and other areas of group collaboration such as social and work-process norms cannot be impacted by improved software utility. Improved cybercollaborative group work can come from ensuring efficient communication and decision-making processes within a software toolset that is not distracting to natural group or individual work dynamics and that provides basic affordances for document and data sharing.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Virtual work teams; User interfaces (Computer systems)--Testing; Science--Computer network resources; Shared virtual environments; Human-computer interaction

Publication Date


Document Type


Department, Program, or Center

Department of Psychology (CLA)


Rantanen, Esa


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: HD66.2 .S63 2011


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