Reach is a 2D digitally animated short film that is dedicated to exploring the sacrifices that are made to achieve our dreams. The story of my graduate thesis film follows Moe, a subterrestrial bat-like creature that dreams of being able to see the sky for the first time. Feeling suffocated by his dark and cramped surroundings, he rushes toward the surface as soon as a busted rusty pipe provides what appears to be an opening to the surface. What he does not know is that he is venturing into danger that will change him forever. This project is inspired by my own personal feelings and experiences, but designed to be broad enough in concept to connect with anyone who has wanted something so badly…that it hurts. It is common to want to chase our dreams, but in order to reach them, it is often at the cost of our physical and mental health. While this film explores the darker possibilities of our life’s journey, it also offers a hopeful, bittersweet truth that while what we fight for sometimes may not be exactly what we wanted, it is still fulfilling all the same. This paper dives into both the creative processes and the overview of methodology that went into this film’s production.
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Animation (Cinematography); Animated films--Themes, motives; Computer animation--Technique; Computer animation--Themes, motives; Bats--Drama; Ambition--Drama
Publication Date
Document Type
Student Type
Degree Name
Film and Animation (MFA)
Department, Program, or Center
Film and Animation, School of
College of Art and Design
Mari Jaye Blanchard
Advisor/Committee Member
Peter Murphey
Recommended Citation
Immel, Rachel, "Reach" (2024). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from
RIT – Main Campus
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