
In our research we discuss the sustainability and efficiency advantages that come from switching from diesel to electrical trucks and the use of the automated container stacking system in the context of a port operation as an integral part of the economy that contributes to the progress of any city. The main objective is to explore the methods that can be applied to ensure the success of these initiatives, cost barriers, pre-requisites and challenges that go with this decision. In this research our findings demonstrate that switching to electrical trucks instead of diesel significantly reduces the level of emissions, lowers pollution levels, reduces long term operation costs. The switch to electrical trucks is feasible as there are companies that are producing heavy duty electrical trucks such as the Volvo. Those trucks will be sold mass produced by 2022. Moreover, we find that the total cost of operation for an electrical truck becomes less when compared to a regular truck, when the truck is autonomous, and the energy used to generate those trucks is used from the company (DP World). DP World already has 3 major solar projects in place. Moreover, the incentives to make the switch into electrical trucks is also due to the increased regulation from the IMO (International Maritime Organization) that is pushing industries towards using cleaner fuels. On that note, cleaner fuels will be facing major shortages in compliant fuels (Stinson, 2019). Therefore, it makes more sense for maritime industries and DP World to consider making the switch to electrical vehicles, as not only does it protect the environment but also reduces the safety risks associated with driving trucks in the port. A study conducted by Jakarta port demonstrated that traffic accidents in the port make up around 37% of all accidents in the port, almost 50 accidents out of 117 accidents are all truck related. Switching to autonomous electrical vehicle eliminates the human error in such accidents especially if the truck follows a preguided route. The ACSS will increase the efficiency the port by transforming the traditional methods of container handling to an automated safer option, where instead of reshuffling all the containers to reach a specific one, the ACSS concept is basically like a vending machine for the containers. Moreover, the idea of Automated Containers Stacking System (ACSS) this idea involves stacking multiple levels of containers (up to 11 as against conventional yard of 4 to 6) in metal framework that greatly reduces the area of land needed (especially where land is at a premium) and since this is a crane operated cube, eliminates the limitations of traditional reach-stackers that are limited to handling a maximum of 4 to 5 boxes high stacks. The ACSS concept is materializing in BOX BAY, this demo is being built in Jebal Ali terminal 4 and if it proves to be successful can be patented to DP World. The structure of Box Bay is installed with solar panels that can generate solar energy to be used in port operations. Therefore, by applying such initiatives such switching from diesel to electrical, using clean energy to meet the energy requirements of those electrical vehicles and incorporating the ACSS will have a massive influence on the operations of the ports. By applying technology in useful and innovative ways it can truly add value to the port while also protecting the environment due to the reduced emissions levels, using cleaner energy sources and creating efficient operational processes. These ideas if applied can be a major steppingstone for the port to transform itself into a smart and efficient hub.

Publication Date


Document Type

Master's Project

Student Type


Degree Name

Professional Studies - City Sciences (MS)

Department, Program, or Center

Graduate Programs & Research


Sanjay Modak

Advisor/Committee Member

Boutheina Tlili


RIT Dubai
