
The concept of smart city is getting popular over time. It uses communication of technology and information to maximize operational organization. It shares information among the public to improve citizen welfare and the services of the government. Smart learning or E-learning is also one of the components of a smart city. Cities are the crucible hub of human innovation. Through smart cities, the community strives to integrate and cover environmental, bio, digital and financial technologies to solve urban problems. The E-learning process is based on formalized teaching, and it enhances with the help of electronic resources. Internet and computers play a vital role in e-learning. While using e-learning, students can learn online at any time, any place. Students get many benefits from e-learning. They could do online degrees, online courses and many more. This project aimed to find the feasibility of implementing the e-learning concept in a smart city in general and specifically in Dubai. The research mainly focuses on administration, knowledge and people creating to develop organization’s e-training aspects to help smart cities. The research supported the process of the major change as 26% of paper consumption across the globe was being used for reading and writing. This meant that a significant change in the consumption of paper could be brought about, given that relevant primary stakeholders agree on adopting the new learning model (Nguyen et al., 2020). These stakeholders are affected by the business. Stakeholders invest their money in business. Stakeholders are used to holding stakes. It could be a business operation. The research considered the findings of previous researchers about e-learning and its implementation. The findings concluded that e-learning was a possibility but consensus among concerned primary stakeholders were required to implement it, successfully. The research paper mainly based relied on the secondary research methodology. Hence the researcher here did this research while reducing cost. The researcher gets the benefits while gathering information from the internet. The research paper concluded that a smart city like Dubai would need to adopt an e-learning model despite its certain limitations, like lack of socialization and difficulty for teachers to teach practical subjects, effectively. But its perceived benefits have outweighed its drawbacks. In addition, the research concluded that Dubai is using all the advanced technology to enhance e-learning. The research paper recommended that in the future, primary research, interacting with all related parties, would need to be conducted; so that further work can be done so for improving the performance of the e-learning model, particularly for practical subjects.

Publication Date


Document Type

Master's Project

Student Type


Degree Name

Professional Studies - City Sciences (MS)

Department, Program, or Center

Graduate Programs & Research


Sanjay Modak

Advisor/Committee Member

Giovana Potesta


RIT Dubai
