
Microwave signals play key roles in modern communication systems and frequency multiplication provide a way to create higher microwave-signal frequencies. Using the photonics domain to perform frequency multiplication can, in principle, take advantage of the low loss and high bandwidth features of the photonic domain. However, most research to date is limited by photonic system having too many active components, complicated means of frequency selectibility, and reliance on filters. I explore, model, and experimentally demonstrate new techniques of microwave signal multiplication, leveraging the notions of polarization diversity and multiplexing in the photonic domain. For doubling and quadrupling techniques, I demonstrate a reduction of components, good performance, and frequency selectability. Moreover, my laboratory demonstrations use commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components, such as the mature optical intensity modulator known as the Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM). My research is based on two configurations. One configuration studies frequency doubling, quadrupling, and octupling and is based on a single-output MZM. The non-sinusoidal output signal after the MZM is split into two paths, and then recombined with a time shift and polarization multiplexing. The use of a single modulator and the lack of optical and electric filters distinguishes my research from previous concepts. In the second configuration, I obtain frequency doubling by using a dual-output MZM. The two output signals exiting the MZM have two different, non-sinusoidal shapes, but are combined to create a high-fidelity sinusoidal signal. This combination technique also uses a temporal shift and polarization multiplexing, and avoids filtering while only using a single modulator. To understand each frequency multiplication configuration, I develop an analytic model that establishes a fundamental understanding of each tone in the temporal and spectral domains. Seeking to specifically address the limitations associated with microwave frequency multipliers, this dissertation introduces the following three advancements: 1. Introduces two novel frequency multiplication concepts in the photonic domain, where each concept is based on a different optical modulator 2. Demonstrates each frequency-multiplication concept in the laboratory with commercial off-the-shelf components 3. Derives a parameterized analytical model and its closed-form solutions for the case of selectable frequency multiplication

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Frequency multipliers; Microwave communication systems; Photonics

Publication Date


Document Type


Student Type


Degree Name

Electrical and Computer Engineering (Ph.D)

Department, Program, or Center

Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology


Kate Gleason College of Engineering


Drew Maywar

Advisor/Committee Member

Jayanti Venkataraman

Advisor/Committee Member

Andres Kwasinski


RIT – Main Campus

Plan Codes

