
Modern society is demanding more and more from young people. Young people need expertise and speech skills to succeed professionally. These skills need to be good enough to be appreciated and recognized in public presentations. However, most young people need clarification when it comes to speaking. They must integrate their expertise, presentation slides efficiently, and other speech skills so that the audience or leaders can comprehend. The people who are the best at public speaking become the most successful. This paper concerns a study on speech experience, presentation skills, and presentation effectiveness as indicators to improve presentations. This project was conceived to help this generation of young people reduce the pressure to speak and perform at their best in public speaking through speech content, presentation preparation techniques, and presentation psychology. By assisting users in presenting more efficiently and encouraging them to practice their public speaking, people will save time and energy to cope with their professional needs. Society can be more productive by having young generations release stress and focus on their work.

Abstract (Chinese)

现代社会对年轻人的要求越来越高。年轻人需要专业知识和演讲技巧才能在职业上取得成功。这些演讲技能需要足够好,才能在公开演讲中得到赞赏和认可。然而,大多数年轻人在演讲时,都必须有效地整合完善自己的专业知识、演示幻灯片和其他演讲技巧,以便观众或领导者能够更好的理解并认可。调研表明,擅长公开演讲的人会在企业及其领域中成为最成功的人。 本文涉及对演讲体验、演讲技巧和演讲效果的研究,作为改进演讲的指标。该项目旨在通过演讲内容、演讲准备技巧和演讲心理学,帮助这一代年轻人减轻演讲压力,并在公共演讲中发挥最佳水平。通过帮助用户更有效地进行演示并鼓励他们练习公开演讲,人们将节省时间和精力来满足他们的专业需求。通过让年轻一代释放压力并专注于工作,社会可以提高生产力。

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Speech anxiety--Treatment--Interactive multimedia--Design; Public speaking--Interactive multimedia--Design; Application software--Design

Publication Date


Document Type


Student Type


Degree Name

Industrial Design (MFA)

Department, Program, or Center

Design, School of


College of Art and Design


Alex Lobos

Advisor/Committee Member

Lorraine Justice

Advisor/Committee Member

Peter Byrne


RIT – Main Campus

Plan Codes

