
Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a technology that has been used for so long to read and record neurological activity in the brain. EEG recordings are widely used nowadays for different neurological applications. Emerging technologies that can detect and analyze eye focus using EEG based technology are now are developing quickly. At a relatively affordable cost one can own an EEG kit. With the help of predisposed algorithms or the help of developers, new algorithms for different commands are being worked on. Along with other technologies EEG eye tracking can be beneficial in many domains such as, psychology, marketing, automotive industry, and medicine. The aim of this study is to provide possible scenarios that one can follow to benefit from different forms of integrations between these technology and different machinery. These integrations are mostly in favor of the disabled. Most of the scenarios proposed are applicable; every following scenario is more complicated. A proposed integration with NFC tech. is proposed. At the end of the study a global system is proposed as a possibility to achieve the goal of this study; i.e. How to use this technology with other technologies to facilitate tasks for the able limited and disabled besides other demographics.

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Engineering Management (ME)


Slim Saidi

Advisor/Committee Member

Adolf Acquaye


RIT Dubai
