
Mythos is a 2D animated series project developed by Mattea Guldy and Selma Peña. The story revolves around a fairy named Marina and her misfit friends Enki the faun, Demetri the unicorn, and The Kodama, a cute forest spirit. The project consists of a series pitch with a pilot, an episode of the series, a pitch deck, and an animated proof of concept. Our fantastical world aims to represent the diversity of human beings and make the audience question where their beliefs and conceptions come from. The story's main plot is the following: Marina, a fairy descendant from the creature accused of closing the portal, is living a tough life with her other misfit friends: Demetri, Enki, and the Kodama. When Marina finds one of her old grandma’s necklaces with strange symbols etched on the back, the group of friends manages to re-open the portal by reading the inscriptions. Back on earth, the group of friends will search for answers regarding the portal's closing. They will discover plots, dark secrets, and unfriendly folks along the way. But most importantly, Marina will reconnect with her past and her family, becoming stronger and wiser than she ever thought possible.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Television scripts--Authorship; Computer animation--Technique; Animals, Mythical--Drama; Magic--Drama

Publication Date


Document Type


Student Type


Degree Name

Film and Animation (MFA)

Department, Program, or Center

School of Film and Animation (CAD)


Mari Jaye Blanchard

Advisor/Committee Member

Tom Connor

Advisor/Committee Member

John Roberts


RIT – Main Campus

Plan Codes

