
Sentiment Analysis is a process of extracting information from a large amount of data and classifying them into different classes called sentiments. Python is a simple yet powerful, high-level, interpreted, and dynamic programming language, which is well known for its functionality of processing natural language data by using NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit). NLTK is a library of python, which provides a base for building programs and classification of data. NLTK also provides a graphical demonstration for representing various results or trends and it also provides sample data to train and test various classifiers respectively. Sentiment classification aims to automatically predict the sentiment polarity of users publishing sentiment data. Although traditional classification algorithms can be used to train sentiment classifiers from manually labeled text data, the labeling work can be time-consuming and expensive. Meanwhile, users often use different words when they express sentiment in different domains. If we directly apply a classifier trained in one domain to other domains, the performance will be very low due to the difference between these domains. In this work, we develop a general solution to sentiment classification when we do not have any labels in the target domain but have some labeled data in a different domain, regarded as the source domain. The purpose of this study is to analyze the tweets of the popular local and international news agencies and classify the tweeted news as positive, negative, or neutral categories.

Publication Date


Document Type

Master's Project

Student Type


Degree Name

Professional Studies (MS)

Department, Program, or Center

Graduate Programs & Research (Dubai)


Sanjay Modak

Advisor/Committee Member

Ehsan Warriach


RIT Dubai
