
“The memories of the post-80s” is a 2minutes and 8 seconds 3D animated short film which tells a story of a young man named Kai who born in the post-80s in China, living in a modern, high-tech environment, but falling into a fantasy dream and reminiscing about his simple and happy life as a child. The most important question expressed in this short film is whether a more convenient, high-tech, fast-paced modern life is proportional to people's happiness index. The main reasons for this problem are multiple, such as working pressure, stressful life, repayment of loans, health, and so on. The boredom and indifference to modern life is a manifestation caused by multiple aspects of social life problems. Because of this invisible pressure, and also to form a sharp contrast with the differences of the times, the film's author gathered many of the typical games and snacks as the main elements of childhood and brought them together to create a fantasy world full of the post-80s childhood memories which reflects how children spend their free time before the Internet and the self-media became popular to commemorate their special and wonderful time. This short film is presented in 3D. 3D is chosen to better show people's feelings when playing games. Although the design of these games was mainly based on 2D, the mood of playing at that time was as immersive as the current 3D scene. And using 3d to express the dynamics of the game is more vivid and exaggerated. The author combines various fantasies of the author's dreams around the game world. The purpose of creating in this form is to express the world in the memory of people in the post-80s, to express their mentality of escaping from the real world and their yearning for the unknown and wonderful world.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Computer animation--Themes, motives; Computer animation--Technique; Animated films--Themes, motives; Animation (Cinematography); Generation Y--China--Drama; Nostalgia--Drama

Publication Date


Document Type


Student Type


Degree Name

Visual Communication Design (MFA)

Department, Program, or Center

School of Design (CAD)


Jason Arena

Advisor/Committee Member

Mike Strobert


RIT – Main Campus

Plan Codes

