What for and how will we design children’s technologies in the transhumanism age, and what stance will we take as designers? This paper aims to answer this question with 13 fictional abstracts from sixteen authors of different countries, institutions and disciplines. Transhumanist thinking envisions enhancing human body and mind by blending human biology with technological augmentations. Fundamentally, it seeks to improve the human species, yet the impacts of such movement are unknown and the implications on children’s lives and technologies were not explored deeply. In an age, where technologies can clearly be defined as transhumanist, such as under-skin chips or brain-machine interfaces, our aim is to reveal probable pitfalls and benefits of those technologies on children’s’ lives by using the power of design fiction.
Date of creation, presentation, or exhibit
Spring 7-25-2020
Document Type
Conference Paper
Department, Program, or Center
School of Interactive Games and Media (GCCIS)
Recommended Citation
Buruk O, Ozcan O, Baykal G, Göksün T, Acar S, Baytas M, Besevli C, Best J, Coskun A, Genc H, Kocaali A, Laato S, Papangelis K, Raftopoulos M, Ramchurn R, Sabada J, Thibault M, Wolff A, Yildiz M. Children in 2077: Designing Children’s Technologies in the Age of Transhumanism. 30th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'20). ISBN: 978-1-4503-6819-3/20/04. DOI:
RIT – Main Campus
© Owner/Authors 2020. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in 30th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'20). ISBN: 978-1-4503-6819-3/20/04. DOI: