On-line Learning: One Successful Approach

Scott Wolcott, Rochester Institute of Technology

Presented at the 2006 ASEE Conference for Industry & Education Collaboration (CIEC), January 31-February 3, 2006.

Copyright © 2006, American Society for Engineering Education

Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works in February 2014.


As with most things in life, several paths can be taken to reach a goal.This paper will present one approach to developing and managing a successful on-line learning experience for students. Successful on-line courses include the following 5 elements: " know" your students; realize that your primary role is facilitating learning by management, not teaching; use various media for sharing information with the students; use multiple grading oppurtunities and types; and be responsive - be very responsive to student's questions. The proof that this approach is successful is five years of student comments- through formal course evaluations and informal e-mails of appreciation. I believe this approach can be applied to traditional on-campus courses, as well.