
In meetings just prior to the 1997 AIC Congress in Kyoto, CIE TC1-37, chaired by M. Fairchild, established the CIE 1997 Interim Colour Appearance Model (Simple Version), known as CIECAM97s. CIECAM97s was formally published in 1998 in CIE publication 131. CIE TC1-37 was dissolved shortly after publication of CIECAM97s at which time, a reportership, R1-24 held by M. Fairchild, was established to monitor ongoing developments in color appearance modeling and notify CIE Division 1 if it became necessary to form a new TC to consider revision or replacement of CIECAM97s. In the four years between AIC Congresses, there has been much activity, both by individual researchers and within the CIE, aimed at furthering our understanding of color appearance models and deriving improved models for consideration. The aim of this paper is to summarize these activities, report on the current status of CIE efforts on color appearance models, and suggest what the future might hold for CIE color appearance models.

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Document Type

Conference Paper

Department, Program, or Center

Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science (COS)


RIT – Main Campus
