This paper, based on a reflective approach, presents several insights and lessons learned from the design, development, and deployment of a location-based social network and a location-based game. These are analyzed and discussed against the life-cycle of our studies and range from engaging with the participants to dealing with technical issues while on the field. Overall, the insights and lessons learned illustrate that one should be prepared and flexible enough to accommodate any issues as they arise in a professional manner considering not only the results of the study but also the participants and the researchers involved.The aim of this work to inform researchers and designers about someof the key challenges we encountered during our research into pervasivelocation-based mobile technologies in the wild.
Date of creation, presentation, or exhibit
Summer 2021
Document Type
Conference Paper
Department, Program, or Center
School of Interactive Games and Media (GCCIS)
Recommended Citation
Papangelis, K. et al. 2021. Insights and Lessons Learned from the Design, Development and Deployment of Pervasive Location-Based Mobile Systems “in the Wild.” Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design for Contemporary Technological Environments. Springer International Publishing. 79–89.
RIT – Main Campus
This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an paper published in "Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design for Contemporary Technological Environments"
The final authenticated version is available online at: