"Advantages of Inline Colour Measurement: Benefits for the Printer and " by Michael Sisco

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Management of color quality goes beyond just measuring product as it comes off the press line. Information about corrections made on press can be fed back into the ink kitchen and pre-press workflow. This provides an opportunity to help reduce makeready times for future similar press runs. Inline color measurement is part of a broader quality control workflow that allows the printer to understand the intricate relationships between inks (color, viscosity, temperature, pH, etc.) and press conditions (including pressure, run speed, anilox or cylinder engraving conditions, etc.). Thoroughly understanding these relationships, and how they affect the quality and efficiency of a print run, is key to optimizing the printing process and maximizing bottom line performance.
