
Painters spend their lifetime to master visual media by expressing the sense of beauty through conscious arrangement of color and patt erns. Tools and materials they use are prett y standard, but their creativity, as refl ected in their artwork, diff ers from artist to artist and from era to era. RIT School of Print Media publishes Test Targets annually using standard writing and publishing tools to turn ideas into printed pages. Our creativity is refl ected in the exploration of diff erent print media technologies and the visual eff ect they achieve. Th is introduction off ers readers a glance of the topics addressed by RIT students, faculty, and staff in Test Targets 9.0. Th e process ranges from experimentation, documentation, peer review, to fi nished manuscripts. It also describes how we benchmark two diff erent printing technologies, off set and highspeed inkjet, in terms of their tone and color capabilities, and how we use color management to achieve color agreement between these two dissimilar printing technologies.

Publication Date


Document Type

Full-Length Book


Test Targets is a peer-reviewed publication. The content reflects scholarship and is the property of the publisher and the author. To reprint any part of the publication, please seek permission from the publisher, RIT School of Print Media. If the permission is granted, the publisher will provide instructions for downloading a PDF version of the publication. The sentence, ‘This article first appeared in Test Targets, an RIT School of Print Media Publication,’ should be included in the reprint.

Department, Program, or Center

School of Design (CIAS)


RIT – Main Campus
