Th ere are six papers that were written, peer reviewed, and published in Test Targets 10. Two papers focus on printing standardization and conformity assessment. Chung describes aims and tolerances specified in ISO 12647-2 and the use of color measurement and data analysis for conformity assessment. Urbain and Khoury describe data reception requirements in ISO 12647-2 and ISO 15930 and the use of a test pdf file to assess conformity of any pdf workflow.
Test Targets 10 will likely be remembered as the publication that covers OBA (optical brightening agents). Two papers focus on OBA. Tian and Chung report the effect of paper containing OBA on printed colors and how such effect can be corrected using different mathematics. Sigg and Millward report the stability of OBA as a function of exposure to light over time. In addition, Gallery of Visual Interest shows side-by-side the visual effect of pictorial and synthetic color images printed on paper with and without OBA.
Printing conformity is result-oriented and does not dictate the press calibration method used. The fifth paper, authored by Wang, compares the compatibility of two press calibration methods, TVI and G7, by means of gradation compensation and press run simulation. Printing conformity requires that correct inks and paper be used. Verifying that correct inks are used is outside the capability of a printer. Th e sixth paper, authored by Zhang, explores an alternative ink drawdown and ink verification method that could be implemented by printers.
Test Forms is a regular feature of Test Targets. We are pleased to showcase pictorial color reference images, Roman 16 Reference Images, courtesy of Bundesverband Druck und Medien e.V. (bvdm), and many possible uses of these images for printing process control and for color management studies. For example, we can compare the appearance of an image printed from the supplied CMYK file with the image from a supplied RGB file that was converted to CMYK by a color management application.
Publication Date
Document Type
Full-Length Book
Recommended Citation
Chung, Robert, Elie Khoury, Pierre Urbain, Enqi Zhang, Franz Sigg, Scott Millward, Ivy Tian, and Yi Wang, Test Targets 10, Rochester, New York: RIT School of Media Sciences, 2011. https://scholarworks.rit.edu/books/102
Department, Program, or Center
School of Design (CIAS)
RIT – Main Campus
Test Targets is a peer-reviewed publication. The content reflects scholarship and is the property of the publisher and the author. To reprint any part of the publication, please seek permission from the publisher, RIT School of Print Media. If the permission is granted, the publisher will provide instructions for downloading a PDF version of the publication. The sentence, ‘This article first appeared in Test Targets, an RIT School of Print Media Publication,’ should be included in the reprint.