What is the RIT Annual Microelectronic Engineering Conference (AMEC)?
The conference was started in 1983 as a means of bringing together students, faculty, alumni and industry interested in Microelectronic Engineering.
Key elements of the conference are:
- Technical presentations by seniors on their capstone research and design projects
- Faculty and graduate student research presentations
- Industry and alumni presentations
- Review of program activities and achievements over the past year
- Recognition of companies who have supported the program
- Industry feedback on the students and academic program
This site is an archive of the following documents related to the Annual Microelectronic Engineering Conference
Student research papers, presentations and posters
Annual program update presentation
Pictures and other historical information
Please use this archive to search for talks by author, year or topic area.
Your participation is welcomed each year at the conference, come join us for dinner, talks, lunch and posters!