
Transclusion is a concept that allows users to reuse document fragments from different source pages, not by duplicating it, but by including a reference to the original work. Thus, transclusion provides an interesting platform for authors to quote text from other documents in a way such that the quoted text can be compared alongside its original context, and changes in the original document are reflected automatically in the user document. Several researchers have partially implemented transclusion using various techniques and technologies. The issue of transcluding text from a dynamic source page still persists because dynamic content changes have not been reflected. This research was based on finding a solution to this problem. Encrypted transcluded text, along with its reference, was stored in the user's document. Using this encrypted message, a document fragment was located in the dynamic source page such that encryption of that fragment matched most closely to the recorded encrypted message. This returned document fragment ensured that changes in the original source documents were reflected in the user's document. A test set was created with a modified source file, transcluded text, number, nature, and percentage change in the source file. The expected outcome, and the document fragment returned based on the algorithm, were used to determine the accuracy of the algorithm. The average accuracy of the algorithm obtained for the entire test set was found to be 0.92. Moreover, for 60% of the test set the algorithm's predicted result matched the expected outcome exactly. The algorithm turned out to be quite forgiving, as even when the source document changed 100%, the average accuracy still turned out to be more than 75%. Thus, the algorithm can be used as a framework to transclude document fragments from dynamic source pages. The connection between the user document and the source document is retained, and more importantly the changes in the source document are accurately reflected in the user document, thereby allowing users to present their ideas effectively, such that readers can comprehend the ideas presented in the document, and re-use them as a framework for establishing their own ideas.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Hypertext systems; XML (Document markup language); Data encryption (Computer science)

Publication Date


Document Type



Not listed


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works in December 2013. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: QA76.76.H94 C56 2010


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