
Policing in America has grown to become a topic of paramount interest within society today. This interest has included increased attention to the role that the police play within local communities. Gaining a greater understanding of where policing started, how it has evolved, and where it is today can help us better understand the importance of police officer training. Focusing on Americas policing eras and various policing models will establish a precedent to explain why policing is the way it is today. This paper will then be able to pinpoint various current events that make the history of policing come to life as it will provide a wide view of why policing is currently relevant today.

While police training is the focus of this capstone project, the knowledge of the evolution of policing will allow for the greater understanding to why the system is set up the way it is. Training programs and educational requirements for police officers were not always utilized or required. The evolution of policing and the current relevance will be established throughout this paper which will set the foundation to analyze police officer training in the present day.

Publication Date


Document Type

Master's Project

Student Type


Degree Name

Criminal Justice (MS)

Department, Program, or Center

Department of Criminal Justice (CLA)


Jason Scott


RIT – Main Campus
