Planar flow casting (PFC) is a method that can be used to make thin, long, and wide metallic alloy foils by extruding molten liquid through a nozzle slot and immediately quenching on a moving roller. The quenching rates are high enough that amorphous metallic glasses may be formed that have many desirable properties for a wide variety of applications. This paper reviews how PFC processes were developed, examines the typical operability range of PFC, and reviews the defects that commonly form. The geometrical similarities between PFC and slot coating process are apparent, and this paper highlights differences between the operability ranges of both processes.
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Chemical Engineering (KGCOE)
Recommended Citation
Theisen, E.A., Weinstein, S.J. An overview of planar flow casting of thin metallic glasses and its relation to slot coating of liquid films. J Coat Technol Res 19, 49–60 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11998-021-00503-y
RIT – Main Campus
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