"Usage of Demographical Population Trends and Statistics in Public Poli" by Fitore Hyseni


Usage of Demographical Population Trends and Statistics in Public Policy in Kosovo


Fitore Hyseni


This project investigates the usage of statistical data and demographical population trends in the process of policy formulation by the decision makers in Kosovo. On a larger scale, this study aims to explore whether policy makers in Kosovo are following the practice of evidence-based policy making, and if not, what are the reasons behind it. Thus, it seeks to investigate whether there are any challenges to evidence-based policy making and based on those challenges make recommendations that would improve the policy making process in Kosovo. Specifically, this project investigates education policy making in Kosovo and the challenges that evidence providers and decision makers in this field face in adopting evidence-based policy making. The research is based on qualitative research methods—primary and secondary research. Through secondary research (literature review) data were gathered from different evidence providers and decision makers such as Kosovo Agency of Statistics, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, and Pedagogical Institute of Kosovo to be used for analysis and comparison. For this report, primary research was conducted, as well. Eight interviews and eight questionnaires were carried out with evidence providers and decision makers in the field of education policy making. The research findings show that decision makers in Kosovo do not base policies on evidence (statistics, demographics, etc.). In addition, the main challenges to evidence-based policy making were found to be lack of experience, lack of political will, lack of reliable data, lack of resources, and lack of cooperation and coordination. To improve the current situation, certain recommendations are provided. The main one is to institutionalize evidence-based policy making through legal acts that require its usage. Further, cooperation and information exchange with regards to good practices of evidence-policy making should be promoted. Other recommendations are to increase transparency in policy and decision making, encourage cooperation and feedback between decision makers and evidence providers within specific fields (e.g. education), improve data-collection systems and methods of official statistics, and encourage evidence providers to make the data available.

Publication Date


Document Type

Senior Project

First Advisor

Shpend Ahmeti

Second Advisor

Michael Waschak

Third Advisor

Edmond Muhaxheri


American University in Kosovo

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