The rise of e-crime, particularly international online scams, has presented significant challenges to law enforcement agencies around the world. Scams have become transnational, exploiting the internet's interconnectivity to deceive victims from different countries. Law enforcement agencies have a severe uphill battle in trying to combat these types of crimes because of technological and jurisdictional limitations and resource accessibility. This research has analyzed the effectiveness of current policing against international online scams, focusing on the challenges encountered thus far and possible solutions. The critical research objectives revolve around assessing law enforcement agencies' present strategies, identifying the main barriers that these agencies face, and developing new approaches based on recently developed technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain. This study firmly establishes that international cooperation can tackle e-crime, highlighting the need for increased cross-border collaboration and harmonization of laws. The research also requires technological advancements in digital forensics and cybersecurity infrastructure for effective prevention and prosecution. It concludes that the current strategies are moderately effective. However, significant improvements are necessary for technology adoption and international legal frameworks to counter the growing global online scam threats.
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Computer crimes--Prevention--Evaluation; International crimes--Prevention--Evaluation; Computer crimes--Prevention--Automation; International crimes--Prevention--Automation; Artificial intelligence; Law enforcement--Technological innovations
Publication Date
Fall 2024
Document Type
Student Type
Degree Name
Professional Studies (MS)
Department, Program, or Center
Graduate Programs & Research
Sanjay Modak
Advisor/Committee Member
Ehsan Warriach
Recommended Citation
Alkhazraji, Mohammad Ahmad, "Assessing The Effectiveness of Law Enforcement Strategies in Combating E-Crime Using AI" (2024). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from
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