The Compiler Lease of Cache Memory (CLAM) project has previously explored the effects of lease-based replacement policies for benchmarks (programs) run on single-core with single-level and single-core with two-level cache architectural config- urations. This work builds and expands on this prior work by continuing the same line of inquiry for a dual-core with two-level cache architectural configuration. The lease-based replacement policies studied are: Compiler Assigned Reference Leasing (CARL), Phased Reference Leasing (PRL), Scope Hooked Eviction Leasing (SHEL), and Cross-Scope Hooked Eviction Leasing (C-SHEL). These are compared to the per- formance of the traditional Pseudo Least Recently Used (PLRU) replacement policy. Samples are collected from PolyBenchC benchmark runs using PLRU on a single- core with two-level cache configuration. These are then used to generate leases for the dual-core with two-level cache configuration. On the latter, the benchmarks run in pairs and in multi-tasking mode, i.e., one on each core with private L1 instruction and data caches, but with shared L2 cache and main memory. The number of misses seen
Library of Congress Subject Headings
RISC microprocessors--Design and construction; Cache memory--Technological innovations; Memory management (Computer science)
Publication Date
Document Type
Student Type
Degree Name
Electrical Engineering (MS)
Department, Program, or Center
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering, Department of
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Dorin Patru
Advisor/Committee Member
Chen Ding
Advisor/Committee Member
Mark Indovina
Recommended Citation
Figorito, Marcus, "A Dual-Core RISC-V Processor with a Two-Level Programmable Cache Emulation and Test System" (2024). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from
RIT – Main Campus
Plan Codes
This thesis has been embargoed. The full-text will be available on or around 8/26/2025.