Nearby Young Moving Groups (NYMGSs) are loose kinematic associations of young (<150 Myr) stars in the solar neighborhood (distance ≤ 140pc). These groups offer an excellent testbed for the study of pre-main sequence stellar evolution, protoplanetary and evolved disks, and recently formed (or forming) extrasolar systems. To further inform studies of these systems, we can expand the known membership of these NYMGs using the multi-dimensional spatial, kinematic, and photometric data from the Gaia mission. Using a new virtual reality tool known as StarGateVR, we search Gaia Data Release 3 for new candidates of 8 NYMGs and identify ∼ 370 such candidates among 7 of the NYMGs investigated. We identify one probable disk-hosting candidate of interest, 2MASS J15460752-6258042, and reassess its age. Finally, the NYMGs are probed for any hot white dwarfs, which could indicate the recent demise of massive member stars.
Publication Date
Document Type
Student Type
Degree Name
Astrophysical Sciences and Technology (MS)
Department, Program, or Center
Physics and Astronomy, School of
College of Science
Joel Kastner
Advisor/Committee Member
Jason Nordhaus
Advisor/Committee Member
Michael Zemcov
Recommended Citation
Butler, Ryan W., "(Virtual) Space: the Final Frontier – Virtual-Reality-based Identification of Nearby, Young Stars in Gaia Data" (2024). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from
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